水商売 #2
Still reading (yes there are words) Joan Sinclair's Pink Box: Inside Japan's Sex clubs
Here's some quotes:
"I go to a host club three to four times a week. One time I spent ¥120,000 [£600 approx] I have a boyfriend there, but I'm not really sure if he really likes me, or if it's just business"
Yuri, 23 (herself also in the business as a hostess)
"Foreigners cause trouble and scare off the other customers. They can't understand the rules, they can't communicate with the girls, they bring in AIDS, and they are too big down below".
Doorman explaining "Japanese Only" sign.
Black lights and techno music fill the club as the girls, who are called names like "shrimp", "tuna" and "urchin" rotate every two minutes.
Kaiten Zushi Baxy - rotating sushi breast-groping pub
"Customers can pay an additional ¥2000 to play in a tub of green gel"
No explanation given.
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