All Over

After three years, I have now returned to the UK and so will not be adding any more posts here. Thank you all for reading


Until the day I return to Japan-land...

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Cultural Sensitivity

So Santa Claus on a Cross to represent Christmas... Well yes, it's probably an urban myth, but it is true that Japan often displays a remarkable lack of sensitivity and maturity towards other cultures. They are often, in other words, not very politically correct.

Take for example, this little treasure in a stationary store:

Forget for a minute poor attention to forming the plural, and just digest this: three little kawaii (cutey-cutey) Indians - not Native Americans - who, in an effort to communicate the deep and rich variety of their culture, in a dignified and graceful way are saying: "War whoop!!" "War whoop!!"

Although I have to admit I do like the meter of the verse:

One little, two little, three little Indian.
Three little Indian boy.

A great item for any collector.

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